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October 20, 2009, 10:22:41 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

Lucky Strike/Power Play Website
700 Bellevue Way NE,
Bellevue, WA, 98004

« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 07:59:55 PM by BLueSS »
Read March 14, 2012, 03:06:20 PM #226

Prizes we will be giving away:
1st Place: VIP Powerplay Game card with $50 in points on it
2nd Place: Free bowling for 6 people plus 6 one hour time play cards
3rd Place: 2 $20 Powerplay Game cards

Tournament registration will start at 11:15am and tournament play will start around noon and run until 4pm depending on turn out.

Hope you all can make it. Sorry about the short notice.
Read March 14, 2012, 11:23:09 PM #227

Quick status update on the Pro2 cab, as of this evening. The right side could use a little maintenance, especially if we will be need to play VS matches or doubles of any kind on Saturday.

Matt & I noticed the Right (player2) Side to have some inconsistency on upper-left & lower-left arrows. Specifically, the upper-left seems less sensitive & requires more pressure to activate. As for the other arrow... When a player hits the lower-right arrow on the Left (player1) Side, it can activate player2's lower-left. The same lower-left one got stuck in a lit-up position a couple times.

Player1 side played perfect, far as I could tell. Again, in summary, I think the player2's left arrows could use an inspection.
Read March 15, 2012, 12:14:56 AM #228

Dr. Z i'll get on that when I'm in Thursday night

« Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 05:20:13 PM by PowerTech »

* FP%20TOURNAMENT2.jpg (751.84 KB, 768x1360 - viewed 2018 times.)

* New Image.JPG (542.85 KB, 768x1360 - viewed 1997 times.)
Read April 08, 2012, 08:05:17 AM #229

I forgot to report this before I left yesterday, but the Down-Right arrow on the player 2 side was sticking yesterday, to the point of causing me to fail.
Read April 08, 2012, 01:55:11 PM #230

That and top right arrow was a little weak. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if some of the those sensors could be replaced by now. We sure played that crap out of that machine Smiley
Read April 08, 2012, 03:32:15 PM #231

I'll probably be there for a couple hours from 6-8. Time to whip my fat ass into shape. I've always been meaning to get out there more to play Pump but there is literally nothing else worthwhile playing at Power Play other than OutRun2 which is some retarded through the roof price (upwards of $2 a game IIRC) just because this place is located in Lincoln Square and therefore only caters to the CEO/business exec set.
Read April 09, 2012, 09:23:38 AM #232

I have a few new sensors on order right now. Will be getting the game back up to 100% by beginning of next week.
Read April 09, 2012, 02:52:56 PM #233

Cool! Thanks, Dave! Smiley
Read April 11, 2012, 12:17:52 PM #234

Hey I'm just wondering if Power Play would be interested in getting a ReRave arcade machine anytime soon. I think this place could use more than just pump and guitar hero Smiley

Here's a link for reference
Read April 11, 2012, 09:12:23 PM #235

I second this. (^^)b I've always wanted to try that game out.
Read April 12, 2012, 01:38:11 PM #236

....getting a ReRave arcade machine anytime soon.
This game is dumb, and I have played it. Quit vouching for it just because Foy's your friend or I have to keep vouching against it because in reality Foy's a creepy sleaze and a complete tool   Undecided

« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 01:42:54 PM by Gerrak »
Read April 12, 2012, 01:42:58 PM #237

This game is dumb, and I have played it. Quit vouching for it because Foy's your friend or I have to keep vouching against it because Foy's a creepy sleaze and a complete tool  Huh
Come on, man. That's not called for.
Read April 12, 2012, 01:48:52 PM #238

Then how about "Rerave is dumb. I've played it; it would be a big waste of money."

I have had personal experiences and know many facts about the guy to corroborate my opinion Tongue I'm just going to knock down any claim a game is good just because they like the creator. Because I've known few people I dislike as much, and the game itself is just not all that fun for more than a few minutes... Therefore I would recommend against anywhere getting it, as it would be a waste of money in my opinion.
Read April 12, 2012, 02:05:13 PM #239

You do realize I'm working on the game right? That's why I'm vouching for it. Because I do believe this game is fun. I can safely say that a lot of other people do as well. There's been machines being bought around the world right now and we're really excited about that so please don't bring you're personal opinions into this.
Read April 12, 2012, 02:20:17 PM #240

I don't see why he can't bring his personal opinions into the discussion, so long as he points out that's what they are.  Which he did.

It's no worse (as far as bias is concerned) than having someone who is actually working on the game claim that it's fun and that "a lot of other people" agree with him.  But you pointed out your connection to the game, so there's no problem with that either.

It seems like a perfectly civil conversation, with the potential to become inflammatory if not careful.

Please note:  I have never played this game, and have no connection with it, and do not have an opinion on it.  I have not really interacted with Chris Foy much since the Team Seattle days, so can't speak to his behavior.

How does the game differ in playstyle from Technika?  It seems to bear some similarities, and I've played that.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 02:22:19 PM by Nykkel »
Read April 12, 2012, 03:36:11 PM #241

How does the game differ in playstyle from Technika?  It seems to bear some similarities, and I've played that.
It's similar in many ways, but the key differences I notice are:

-Music Variety
-ReRave judges the accuracy of where you hit the notes (location you press on screen vs the center of the note icon) as well as rhythmic timing.
-Technika uses the rhythm bar that sweeps across the screen, requiring you to "follow" a path back and forth across the screen. ReRave has you hitting any part of the screen in any order the chart writer desires.
-ReRave does have player levels (I think), but doesn't have a point shop to customize your avatar. (I might be wrong on this.)
-Personally, I find it difficult to differentiate the different note types on ReRave (Holds vs taps, etc) compared to Technika.
-Conversely, I don't think Technika does a good job on identifying what measure a specific note falls on (1/4 vs 1/8 vs 1/16, etc).

I hate to generalize it like this, but if you've ever played Elite Beat Agents on the DS, I feel that ReRave shares a lot of gameplay elements with that game.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 03:42:06 PM by Suko »
Read April 12, 2012, 07:35:13 PM #242

Holds have been fixed in the Arcade version. There's a new note skin which defines it much more as a hold. These will come back to the iOS version as well.

You can have a custom Avatar, but it's not a character customization, just a picture for your profile.

The music variety is one thing ReRave has going for it over a lot of other games. This is one thing a lot of hardcore music game players forget. This game is not just targeted at them. It's friendly with the general public as well.  If they like the game, that could get them interested in other rhythm games. We think this will help with sales because it appeals to a bigger audience.

Besides, if people don't wanna play this game, don't play it.
Allan I don't think you've ever been to power play once, why would you care if they buy ReRave. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Read April 12, 2012, 10:14:18 PM #243

Getting back on topic, Dave I think the USB hubs were acting up a little bit last night. I swear my USB functions 100% of the time.
Read April 13, 2012, 08:20:55 AM #244

I guess I just don't personally like Re-Rave or its creator and I wanted to offer a counter-opinion. You're working on it because you befriended those guys, so your support of it comes from that friendship by extension along with you finding it somehow fun for more than a few minutes. Anyway I'm not gonna inflame this into anything Tongue Just my opinions; know that they are fully justifiable, though I will only make such justification for my dislike of one of Re-Rave's primary creators in person, as the details are too messy for forums.

I don't think you've ever been to power play once, why would you care if they buy ReRave. Correct me if I'm wrong.
My only motivation is to save them money on a game I suspect will not be that popular or anything. I could easily be wrong. And truthfully, I don't really care that much Tongue So I'll concede that I don't really need to provide any further input to the conversation in the interest of not pissing you guys off.
Read April 13, 2012, 09:56:40 AM #245

I could easily be wrong. And truthfully, I don't really care that much Tongue So I'll concede that I don't really need to provide any further input to the conversation in the interest of not pissing you guys off.
I like the new, less angry Gerrak.
Read April 13, 2012, 11:04:58 AM #246

Thanks. I was just irratated that it seemed like your opinion was being guided more by your disliking for a developer rather than the game itself. You don't have to like ReRave. Just don't hate it because you don't like one guy on the team.

And yes of course I'm promoting a product I've done work for. Why wouldn't I be?

« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 11:08:21 AM by Keby »
Read April 13, 2012, 02:01:23 PM #247

I actually think that ReRave would do really well at Power Play, because Power Play's target demographic lines up with ReRave's target demographic: Casual players who are looking for rhythm games with fairly familiar music and interfaces not based on obscure Asian games.

As I have said a few times now, PERSONALLY "greater music variety" is not really a plus for me; I play rhythm games almost exclusively for the strange, almost hokey music, and a rhythm game without Thomas Howard or Banya or Naoki or k-pop just wouldn't really feel the same to me.  That said, I think it IS a plus for ReRave and their target audience, which I think they would have no problem finding at Power Play.  By the same token, I think every arcade should have the newest upgrade of Pop'n, but I totally get that other people do not have the same taste as me and that this would probably not go over so well.

If Power Play did get ReRave, I would totally give it another try.  I will admit that it was never really my thing on mobile platforms, but while part of that is due to the musical taste thing mentioned above, part of that is because of how crunched the phone interface feels.  I am assuming that the giant touch screen makes it a completely different game.
Read April 13, 2012, 02:54:12 PM #248

Smiley maybe this will convince others. It definitely is more fun on a 46" touch screen

IAAPA 2011 ReRave - gregc - Your Own Destiny - Full Screen Master
Read April 14, 2012, 08:56:38 AM #249

I like the new, less angry Gerrak.
  lol....  Grin
Read April 17, 2012, 04:36:06 PM #250

Hey everyone,

Just a heads up, I am consolidating all good sensors to the left side station so that side will be 100%. I will re post when I get the right side back up. Sorry for any inconvenience but I didn't want to take the entire game offline.

Thanks for understanding and your continued business and support,
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