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Location Rating: 4 Point Rating ( 10 Ratings)
October 20, 2009, 10:22:41 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

Lucky Strike/Power Play Website
700 Bellevue Way NE,
Bellevue, WA, 98004

« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 07:59:55 PM by BLueSS »
Read May 01, 2012, 09:57:34 AM #251

Well hello May...
Stop in an enjoy our Game Of The Month: Buck Hunter: Safari Edition for 25 points per play

This 4 player game is a blast and at only .25 per play you and your friends can hunt all over the globe for a buck! Complete each Trek and you get a fast paced bonus round. Our favorite is the Shrunken Head Head Waterfall Challenge...whats yours?

Also a side note: I replaced a few bad sensors and both pads should be back to 100% anytime you have any problems with the game feel free to shoot me an email and I will address the problems ASAP


* big buck.jpg (84.31 KB, 542x960 - viewed 2797 times.)
Read May 01, 2012, 10:50:09 AM #252

Well hello May...
Stop in an enjoy our Game Of The Month: Buck Hunter: Safari Edition for 25 points per play

This 4 player game is a blast and at only .25 per play you and your friends can hunt all over the globe for a buck! Complete each Trek and you get a fast paced bonus round. Our favorite is the Shrunken Head Head Waterfall Challenge...whats yours?
If you play this with a British or Australian accent, it makes it WAY better.

CRIKEY! That dingo's got the baby!
Read May 09, 2012, 12:41:18 PM #253

Visiting tonight, around 7:30P.
Read May 09, 2012, 01:43:10 PM #254

Ditto...maybe earlier for me...
Read May 09, 2012, 04:20:47 PM #255

Happy Redneck
Read May 09, 2012, 09:32:08 PM #256

Hmm so it's all about Wednesdays huh...
Read June 21, 2012, 04:51:27 PM #257

Hulk misses Pump Pro Hulk visits soon
Happy Redneck
Read June 21, 2012, 09:50:00 PM #258

hulk go smash kids who bully old lady on bus
Happy Redneck
Read July 10, 2012, 04:23:38 AM #259

Read July 10, 2012, 10:22:46 AM #260

Hulk will visit tommorow, Hulk is happy on news
Read July 11, 2012, 11:10:44 AM #261

Redemption is spelled wrong in that poster. Twice. Sad
Happy Redneck
Read July 11, 2012, 03:42:24 PM #262

lol there's always typos in their ads
Read August 11, 2012, 02:27:30 PM #263

The under-21-cutoff is now 10pm daily.
Read November 30, 2012, 10:16:33 AM #264

I went to Power Play and played some Pro 2 yesterday. I had fun but there's a few updates I felt I needed to mention.

The machine has been moved to the back of the arcade again. Personally, I prefer it here. I'm old and fat and the less people that have to watch me gyrate, the better.

I don't think this is "new", but I noticed the price jumps from 50 points to 100 points at 7pm.

The USB was having a hell of a time working with my flash drive. It said "Not NTFS" at first, so I formatted my drive and re-copied all my files onto it and it worked. Then I moved to the 2P side and put it in and got a mounting error. I'm not sure if it's the machine's USB's or my card acting weird. All I know is my USB works well almost everywhere yeah.

I had an error that would occur about 1 out of 6 songs I would play. The song would start and RIGHT on the first step of a song (when your foot would hit the arrow), the game's screen would freeze and drop to 1 FPS for about 8 measures. This made me fail 1-2 songs and nearly caused me to fail more. It would quickly run like normal and work fine, but SOMETHING must be happening on the graphics processing side of things for it to do that.

Note: If you know the pattern (or can read it still despite the extremely low FPS), you can still hit the arrows without error. It's just that the graphics seem to take a dump for 1-3 seconds right after that first step on a decent number of songs I played.

The pads felt REALLY grippy. Like, to the point that I will bring baby powder next time, 'cause my toes were actually jamming into the front of my shoe enough to hurt.

Other thoughts: I wish they had a higher turnover rate for some of their arcades games here. i think most of these have been here since the arcade opened. I didn't see Hydro Thunder, which is really the only other game I liked to play regularly (also Police 911 on occasion). I know it would be costly and they probably wouldn't turn a profit on it, but it'd be sweet it they got X3 or something 4 panel there, too.
Read November 30, 2012, 12:23:17 PM #265

The GPU thing has happened to me before - I think that means the machine needs a restart.
Read November 30, 2012, 12:53:43 PM #266

Suko, there's a post back in July that says Happy Hour is 4pm-7pm Mon-Fri, and that games are half price during that time.  So 100 points is probably the 'normal' price for Pump, and you were playing during the switchover from Happy Hour to normal pricing.
Read December 03, 2012, 02:48:23 PM #267

I can't imagine anything new coming into Power Play really. It's not an arcade for people who go to arcades, it's just a diversion for people in Bellevue to waste time at and get drunk.
Read November 21, 2013, 05:25:06 PM #268

So... has anyone been to Power Play recently?
Read November 22, 2013, 04:29:45 AM #269

Was there last week.
Read November 22, 2013, 09:22:12 AM #270

Well, strictly speaking, I guess that's what he asked.  But I felt there was an undercurrent of, "Anyone know how Power Play is doing these days?  Does it suck?  Is it good?  Is there anything new?" to the question.
Read November 22, 2013, 10:21:02 AM #271

I haven't gone "recently", but now that it's winter and traffic is absolute sh*t, I might start going there after work to kill time and get some exercise before heading home.

Regarding the state of PP; It's the same as always. The machines work and the place is clean and I like how they keep the lights low (gives it a more arcade-like feel IMO). However, they don't seem to switch out their games. Ever. I think they have all the same games they had when the place opened years ago (PiU: Pro 2 upgrade not included).

I really wish they'd get one of the newer 4 panel DDR machines in there. I like PiU: Pro, but I'd still like to play something more familiar to me. Or get a Rerave/Technika cabinet.

Heck, I'd even love to see some retro arcade games brought in. Anything to spice it up a bit would be wonderful.
Read November 22, 2013, 11:51:55 AM #272

Well, strictly speaking, I guess that's what he asked.  But I felt there was an undercurrent of, "Anyone know how Power Play is doing these days?  Does it suck?  Is it good?  Is there anything new?" to the question.

Haha!  Sorry.  Place is pretty much the same.  Like Suko says, the traffic SUCKS around that area during the holiday season.  Actually it sucks most of the time.  I will say though that Power Play is probably the cleanest arcade I've been in.  They do a good job and keep the place not only clean but in working order.  On the downside, I'm not too attracted to most of the games they have in there (a lot of elaborate racers, shooting games and ticket redemption).  The Pump It Up machine has been moved to the very back of the establishment.  Last time I played on it was about a year ago.  It seemed to operate fine then.  If anyone has really specific questions, I don't mind stopping by as I live pretty close.
Read November 22, 2013, 01:44:08 PM #273

Well, I was there about 2-3 months back and the machine worked fine for me. I'm not beasting 12's, but I had no problem playing 8-10's.

As I said; Good arcade, great atmosphere (I like the PIU being in the back, away from heavy traffic), but I wish they'd get some fresh games in there and mix it up a bit.
Read January 29, 2014, 11:30:45 PM #274

Heading back here tomorrow evening (Thursday) if anyone wants to join.
Gotta hand it to Powerplay for consistently having perfect Pump pads and great sound levels.

one small critique: Seems like once-per-visit the transition from the end of a song to the result/grade page takes nearly 45 seconds to load. Might be worth it to request permission from the on-floor tech to reset the machine at the beginning and refresh the cache or whatnot.

Lookin forward to packing my usb drive with new personal bests~
Read February 24, 2014, 02:05:52 PM #275

So, I went here on Sunday. Nothing much to report except that they moved the machine to be more in the center of the arcade. I'm sure this will help it get played more by "normal people", but as a player I loved it in the back, out of the way of the noise/bustle.

I only played on the 2P side, but it felt a little mushy. Like, it registered fine and I played alright, but it just felt like the pads were on foam coasters or perhaps someone even put foam tape over the sensors themselves? I dunno. Like I said, I could play fine, it just felt mushier when I took a step.
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