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« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read August 10, 2014, 08:04:01 PM #3276

I would love to test out the new sensors. One of the main reasons I came out today was to compare and contrast the old vs. new sensors. I would be comparing blind if I only played the new ones.
Read August 10, 2014, 09:08:19 PM #3277

We can do a re-poll after the new sensors if many in the community would like to do that and feel it would have different results.
sounds good, i'm looking forward to peeping the accomplishments topic and seeing how players do/not adapt.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 09:11:13 PM by Iori241 »
Read August 10, 2014, 09:30:45 PM #3278


Iori241, I'm extending my hand out to you (over the Internet).

Lets just be friends.  

There is no need for any more arguing over trivial matters. You may or may not believe that I'm doing the best I can to accommodate to everyone's needs at Acme, all I can give you is my word. I know you have strong opinions about what me and my team are doing at Acme, but I can assure you that we're not trying to steer people away.

I apologize for anything I've said to you over these forums that may have upset you, but let us forgive and forget. Let us move on and smash some arrows!

I invite you come play with us at Acme whenever you have time. We can discuss how to make the stage better there.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 10:08:56 PM by APHR »
Read August 10, 2014, 10:50:12 PM #3279

Hey everyone,

I know I've been trying to stay away from the forums as much as possible lately due to the excessive arguing and drama that has been unfolding but, I'm back for now to request something from all of you, primarily those opposing the flushed stage.

After finding out that Bill has been making more revenue from ITG post-modding, it is hard to say we should remove the modding from the stage. Therefore, we should all consider keeping the stage in the flushed state.

Once I receive the new sensors, I would appreciate everyone to come help test the stage so we can fully flush and modify it to be playable for everyone.

My request is this...

If you have concerns about the stages performance, please post here in a constructive manner.

Instead of saying/doing:



"Just remove all the modding, they suck!"

"APHR is selfish and does only what he wants!"

"I'm going to rip off tape cause it isn't working for me!"

It is extremely difficult for anyone to take comments like these without defending themselves in some way... I felt pushed into a corner over the last few weeks.

I would really appreciate it if you would say:

"Chris, the player 1 Up Arrow is giving me miss triggers and might need some attention."

"Chris, think we can meet up at ACME so I can help test the stage? Its been giving me a lot of errors."

"Seems like player 2 Left Arrow is overly sensitive, could someone take a look into this?"

Criticism like this will give me and my team huge insight to what might be wrong with the stage and gives us something specific to fix, instead of trying to completely redo the stage to fix a small issue. Comments like these are constructive and informative and can really help us pinpoint the problem and help Acme's stage play better next time you visit.

I genuinely respect everyone's concerns and comments when they are constructive and non-insulting. I want this community to flourish and progress as the other communities have.

I know that there are some of you that simply oppose modding a public cabinet, but when the owner has stated that post-modding has brought in more money for him, it is difficult for me to undo the modding as this would deter me and my team from going as well as some other who spend a lot of time and money at ACME.

Please, give the stage some more time and work with me to make it work for you. I can't do it alone, I need everyone to help me make this cabinet amazing.

Feel free to PM me or post here on this thread when you are planning to go, and if I have the time, I am more than willing to meet you and test the stage together.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 10:57:09 PM by APHR »
Read August 10, 2014, 11:28:29 PM #3280

I wanted to add one more thing to APHR's requests. If by chance you do remove tape or foam we would really appreciate it if you let us know. Either by posting on Bemani or sending a pm or whatever is easiest for you, by telling us what has been removed, allows us to maintain and keep a personal log of our modifications. It saves us time and money and not to mention this is positive teamwork Smiley Modding a public cabinet, or at least the ITG cabinet at ACME seems to be really sensitive so please understand minor changes can have a really big impact.  Thanks!!

Have some rage? Go and smash some arrows Wink
Read August 10, 2014, 11:47:00 PM #3281

Hey guys not sure if you anyone is up for it, but I was at ACME last tuesday in the afternoon and I'm wondering if people would up to either modding/de-modding both sides. I'm really into doubles right now and it feels awkward on ACME's machine. Something to think about in the future I guess. I don't care which way it goes since I would be willing to adapt rather than complain.
Read August 10, 2014, 11:59:05 PM #3282

A quick post with regards to doubles!

After watching Tyrgannus play doubles today, I can confidently say that doubles do NOT suck at the moment. As he stated in earlier posts, he was able to hold combos and only dropped them do to difficult patterning. 5 people were there, 3 of whom mod the stage to make sure doubles play was up to par.

We did make a slight adjustment to better help doubles player by reconnecting the outer most sensor on the Player 1 Right Arrow and the outer most sensor on the Player 2 Left Arrow. We've nearly removed all modding on that particular sensor to help doubles players more reliably trigger those arrows.

As of right now, the outer most sensor on Player 1 Right Arrow and Player 2 Left Arrow, have 1 thin layer of foam and a piece of tape to secure the foam. This was to alleviate any rocking of the panel.

If any doubles players go to play and run into any issues, please feel free to post here in detail about your experience.
Read August 11, 2014, 10:37:45 AM #3283

When we get the new sensors in, I'll swing by to play some doubles. Smiley

APHR, if the sensors will be installed on a weeknight, I'll probably be able to test them out after 8pm that night.
Read August 11, 2014, 11:05:24 AM #3284

When we get the new sensors in, I'll swing by to play some doubles. Smiley

APHR, if the sensors will be installed on a weeknight, I'll probably be able to test them out after 8pm that night.

Ill post here when I get the sensors and post when I will go.
Read August 11, 2014, 01:51:23 PM #3285

ATTN: Powder Users!

I am going to ACME today to clean out the powder from inside the stage. This process will take roughly 10 minutes, so if you are there when ACME opens, there will be a slight wait time.

Also, I will be marking on the ground away from through traffic where powder should be place if you choose to use powder. This way, powder will be kept away from kids running through the arcade. I will mark the ground with masking tape so please try to keep your powder within that designated area. More specifically, the "powder area" will be located slightly left of the Player 1 side, away from through traffic.

Please, after you are finished playing at ACME, remember to completely remove any trace of powder that you see. Wipe down the stage and "powder area" with a damp towel until no powder is visable!

This action is taken to comply with some of the concerns raised in the forums about powder use.

Thanks everyone (powder users)!
Read August 11, 2014, 02:28:19 PM #3286

APHR, thanks for taking the charge to help take care of that concern!
Read August 11, 2014, 04:07:13 PM #3287

APHR, a designated powder area is a GREAT idea. Thanks for taking the lead on this! Cheesy
Read August 11, 2014, 09:29:04 PM #3288

Hey APHR's idea for a designated powder was a great idea.

Here is what we did. I hope this spot works for everybody.

"P" = Powder Playas
         Phoot Speed
         Power Up
         Phalcon Punch
         Powder Puff Station

« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 09:31:06 PM by Rose »
Read August 11, 2014, 11:33:58 PM #3289

Hey APHR's idea for a designated powder was a great idea.

Here is what we did. I hope this spot works for everybody.

"P" = Powder Playas
         Phoot Speed
         Power Up
         Phalcon Punch
         Powder Puff Station
u spelled a few things wrong
Read August 12, 2014, 01:54:09 AM #3290

u spelled a few things wrong

yeh, thts not how u spel "equlz"
Read August 12, 2014, 09:30:17 AM #3291

yeh, thts not how u spel "equlz"
thanks, needed the help there
Read August 12, 2014, 01:36:42 PM #3292

Hey APHR's idea for a designated powder was a great idea.

Here is what we did. I hope this spot works for everybody.

"P" = Powder Playas
         Phoot Speed
         Power Up
         Phalcon Punch
         Powder Puff Station
Now you're playing with POWER POWDER!

(famous Nintendo ad campaign)
Read August 12, 2014, 04:28:49 PM #3293

Good news, 600.00 worth, a full set of 32 high quality sensors are on there way.  

I figured I had better share the bad news in advance, in case anyone wants to get some last month Fiesta in.
Anyhow, sadly, the PIU Fiesta has been the lowest earning game in the room for a few months now, and of course it takes a big footprint.  With a half dozen new games on the way for fall arcade upgrades, PIU has to go.  We have not picked  a home for it yet.  Could possibly move to another nearby location.  Starfire Sports Center is only 2 miles from Acme, we could put it there if the community does not want it to leave the area.  But would anyone really go there just to play pump?

Read August 12, 2014, 04:40:56 PM #3294

Even though I don't live there anymore: Noooo, Pump. Sad I hope it finds a good home. I have no idea what I'd do with it, but if you're ever interested in selling it...
Read August 12, 2014, 04:47:07 PM #3295

Good news, 600.00 worth, a full set of 32 high quality sensors are on there way.  

I figured I had better share the bad news in advance, in case anyone wants to get some last month Fiesta in.
Anyhow, sadly, the PIU Fiesta has been the lowest earning game in the room for a few months now, and of course it takes a big footprint.  With a half dozen new games on the way for fall arcade upgrades, PIU has to go.  We have not picked  a home for it yet.  Could possibly move to another nearby location.  Starfire Sports Center is only 2 miles from Acme, we could put it there if the community does not want it to leave the area.  But would anyone really go there just to play pump?


Hi Bill,

This is fantastic news with regards to the new sensors! I am eager to install them and make your stage the best stage in the PNW! I will install them as soon I receive them.

Thanks again and again,

Read August 12, 2014, 04:58:05 PM #3296

Even though I don't play Pump that often I am still really sad to see it go. Hopefully you can find it a good place near by.
Read August 12, 2014, 04:58:46 PM #3297

I figured I had better share the bad news in advance, in case anyone wants to get some last month Fiesta in.
Anyhow, sadly, the PIU Fiesta has been the lowest earning game in the room for a few months now, and of course it takes a big footprint.  With a half dozen new games on the way for fall arcade upgrades, PIU has to go.  We have not picked  a home for it yet.  Could possibly move to another nearby location.  Starfire Sports Center is only 2 miles from Acme, we could put it there if the community does not want it to leave the area.  But would anyone really go there just to play pump?

Well shit. I'm really sad to see pump go; it's by far my favorite game at ACME, and I don't have an easy way to get to Starfire by bus. Is there any chance the machine's location in the arcade has something to do with its poor earnings? It's off in a quiet little corner behind the other two much more visible dance games. Would it be worth moving it to see if that boosts earnings before getting rid of it?
Read August 12, 2014, 05:42:47 PM #3298

Dangit, I was literally just about to seriously train my PiU skills. I put in some sessions last couple times I was there.
Read August 12, 2014, 07:11:41 PM #3299

Oh no! I actually liked pump!

Darn them youngin's with their racing games and first-person shooters.

Wait, I'm a youngin'.

But I enjoy rhythm games. It's sad that it's going.
Read August 12, 2014, 09:08:41 PM #3300

Anyhow, sadly, the PIU Fiesta has been the lowest earning game in the room for a few months now,
PIU has to go.
I guess that's what happens when I don't visit Acme in months... Sad
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