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January 27, 2007, 02:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read April 12, 2013, 07:01:53 PM #2476

Yes, I did he dirty evil, and used WD40 yesterday.  I know it attracts dirt down the road, but hey, in desperate moments it's worth a try.

I am truely flabergasted with this whole thing.  Something must have happened when this got moved back from Sakuracon, as it has not been the same since.  Of course, there would be that occasional simple pad issue.  Now, all the suddem, with dozens of sensors replaced, it works intermittently it seems.

Not sure WTF is going on.

BTW, did order today a new set of the actuators for the sensors.  The bushings are getting worn.  Also, BTW, most of the worn bushings got exchanged with the PIU cabinet, to see if that would make a difference.  crazy, we have tried everything.
Read April 12, 2013, 08:13:21 PM #2477

Thanks for being diligent with trying to fix this issue, but it seems like an issue with the programming.

Maybe Tony should take a look to see if he can do anything.
Read April 13, 2013, 02:32:55 PM #2478

The pad issues are definitely pad issues and not software issues - 1p down, for example, is very clearly a sticky arrow; I managed to jam it in place for about 30 seconds on Thursday when I was trying to figure out the issue myself, and as soon as I jiggled it a little, it came unstuck.

I'm headed down to Acme fairly soon, and will try to restore the scroll speed to normal, as well as do what I can about the remaining sensor issues.

As for what's going on overall, something may well have happened while the machine was being moved after Sakuracon that's making things worse, but, in general, I think this was inevitable. Personally, I rotate sensors, rather than replace them when I can (it's faster, cheaper, fixes most issues, and can be helpful in diagnosing more severe problems), so a lot of the sensors are far from new, and it's likely that a good number of them just got to the point that they aren't usable anymore at approximately the same time. I spent Sakuracon weekend trying to triage similar issues - the majority of the sensors significantly more sensitive now than when they were new and some can be triggered with only an ounce or two of weight placed over them (when they should take ~15 pounds). For example, while I was diagnosing stuff on Thursday, we observed that 1p right can be triggered if you step on 2p left with just a little extra force and for awhile, 2p up could be triggered by stepping on the center panel during Sakuracon; they're just so sensitive that the vibrations caused by playing causes the sensors to fire off ghost steps.
Read April 13, 2013, 03:16:41 PM #2479

Just got back!
- ITG was out of order (but Tony's heading there soon anyway).
- Some of the PIU panels seemed less than great, but possible some of it was just down to me sucking today. I did notice one of the screws on the the metal panel between the 1P UL/DL arrows was loose so I screwed that in as best as I could without any tools.
- PIU 1P bar is getting loose/squeaky again.
- House of the Dead 2 is really damned loud. It's two machines away from Pump, but louder than the Terminator game, which is right next to Pump. Suffer like G did?
Happy Redneck
Read April 13, 2013, 03:17:22 PM #2480

lol hotd is loud again?
Read April 13, 2013, 06:42:15 PM #2481

Who keeps turningt that HOD 2 up?  Obnoxious!

At Tony,  We have replaced about 20 plus sensors over the last few days.  Now check this out.  The new sensors are much more sensitive than new sensors have been in the past.  They look the same, and are coming from konami, so not knock off sensors.  But I suspect they changed something in the manufacturing process, as they are very sensitive when new now.  It used to be the opposite, they sometimes required too much pressure when brand new.
Read April 13, 2013, 08:18:55 PM #2482

Awesome, thanks Tony for taking a look and fixing what you can. Keep us posted, let us know if there are any improvements with the machine.

Read April 13, 2013, 08:20:40 PM #2483

Who keeps turningt that HOD 2 up?  Obnoxious!

At Tony,  We have replaced about 20 plus sensors over the last few days.  Now check this out.  The new sensors are much more sensitive than new sensors have been in the past.  They look the same, and are coming from konami, so not knock off sensors.  But I suspect they changed something in the manufacturing process, as they are very sensitive when new now.  It used to be the opposite, they sometimes required too much pressure when brand new.

So the first problem i'm hearing is Konami sensors in an Andamiro cab doesn't seem like the best solution. Don't they have different molex connectors?
also having over sensitive sensors is very bad. We ordered a full new set from arcade spare parts for our machine and and only got 4 over sensitive ones. Those are fairly unusable.
Read April 13, 2013, 08:26:53 PM #2484

Fixed the scroll rate (actually, I think it's slightly faster than it used to be - if it bothers anyone, I'll turn it back down a notch).

Fixed the "not booting" problem - for some reason, FastLoad was turned off, so it was booting properly... it just took 25 minutes to reindex all the songs every time it tried to boot.

Fixed some of the pad issues - input debouncing (the game waits a couple milliseconds before treating a triggered sensor as "real", so that things like the arrows jiggling don't normally count as hits) was turned off and is now back on. 1p down was still sticking because it just sticks really badly, so I unplugged, but did not replace the bottom sensor; you can still jam it, and the right sensor is sensitive enough to sometimes be triggered when it jams, so it's still a little touchy to play on that side.
Read April 13, 2013, 08:59:36 PM #2485

Thanks for your work on the machine, Tony (and Bill and company too!).
Read April 17, 2013, 06:36:57 PM #2486

Just letting you guys know that the right arrow on player 2 side got stuck a few times today. Same with the bottom arrow on the player 1 side.
Read April 19, 2013, 06:09:37 PM #2487

A shocking new development!

The right arrow on the player 2 side is janky again. Allan said it was the up sensor. Also, the player 1 side up arrow and down arrow are janky as well.
Read April 20, 2013, 02:09:36 AM #2488

Sigh...  Sad

Well, the tech came in tonight around 10 to try and fix the problem with the right arrow on the player 2 side and the up/down arrow on the player 1 side.

The right arrow on player 2 side was getting stuck on the up sensor so he fixed it...however, about 10 mins after he left it started getting stuck again and/or giving false triggers. It is nearly impossible to score on some of the faster songs, around 160 BPM, or on songs that have 24th notes in them.

The player 1 side is just a complete mystery to me...  Undecided

When the tech was testing the input on the up/down arrows it registered just fine, but when we started to play on them, it either got stuck or started giving false triggers.

What are we going to do? I'm at a point where I don't want to go anymore.  Sad

There was something I noticed though... When players use more of the pad, the errors aren't as frequent, one wouldn't really notice it. However, some player who use a small section of the pad, namely the inner sensors, the problems occur. I've tested this theory a bit, when I use a bigger portion of the pads its playable, but when I get narrower it is unplayable.

Having said that, it is really difficult to play wider when playing 200+ bpm charts, on timing charts like 9's or 10's its doable, but anything harder than a 12, forget about it.

I know the techs are doing everything they can, they've been in ACME the past 2 weeks trying to fix the problem. I just don't know where to turn at this point.

Read April 20, 2013, 07:02:58 AM #2489

Still a strange issue!  Yes, we have been there daily, have swapped more sensors than we can count, and I have come to the conclusion that something really strange is happening here.  It will work fine for awhile, and then screw up, like the problems come and go.  Every sensor has been changed on those janky arrows, probably replaced more than once now on each one, and no difference.

I still say something developed with it being moved back from Sakuracon.  That is when all thesae issues started, aside from the normal routine small issues that are expected.  ARGH!
Read April 20, 2013, 02:30:10 PM #2490

Weekly status report!

- 1P bar still loose and squeaky, in a way that might convince you that promiscuous upstairs neighbors are having sex on a bed from the 1970s.

- 2P coin slot ate two of my quarters.
- And of course the already mentioned arrow issue, which makes some charts like playing minesweeper while suffering from a seizure.
Read April 20, 2013, 05:36:26 PM #2491

Nothing like a hard reset to get everything back to defaults. See if the issue still happens. If it keeps happening you can post about this under the technical thread on AIJ and more than likely get some decent help with the issue.

I read up on a guy that would lose power to the boards on dedicab pads and he would ALWAYS get a miss every minute or something crazy like that. There was a little red light that would go out every minute or two and at the same time the pads would completely shut down.

Now obviously i'm not saying this is the problem but it could be something similar with the hardware actually inside the pads themselves. They do get a lot of pounding on them so it wouldn't  be a stretch to image this could be a related issue.
Read April 22, 2013, 03:37:09 PM #2492

Looks like the player 2 side right arrow errors are a result of false triggers. I noticed if I stomp on the upper right metal panel, the arrow will randomly trigger. The bottom right metal panel also triggers it, not very often though. I was stomping on the metal panels to make sure, and I noticed it triggers every once in a while, but enough to notice.
Read April 22, 2013, 03:41:20 PM #2493

One more thing! The up arrow on the player 2 side registers the step late if you don't put enough pressure on it, makes it difficult to do timing.
Read April 26, 2013, 05:26:19 AM #2494

Major stage rework yesterday.  Any reports on how it is playing now?  New sensor actuating brackets, and tons of sensor work.  Hope it is better now?
Read April 27, 2013, 03:55:01 PM #2495

PIU 1P side bar is still squeaky.
PIU's 2P coin slot, obviously jealous of ITG's money making skills, is now occasionally eating quarters. Since I was playing on 2P side to avoid squeaky bar, I was instinctively putting quarters into the 2P slot and systematically lost a dollar over the course of my time there. Sad times!
Read April 27, 2013, 09:45:15 PM #2496

People probably know about this already but just in case, the right arrow on the p1 side of the itg machine wasn't working at all when I was there friday night
Read April 28, 2013, 12:31:47 AM #2497

People probably know about this already but just in case, the right arrow on the p1 side of the itg machine wasn't working at all when I was there friday night

Apparently it wasn't working tonight either, but who knows...  Cry

Maybe its fixed, maybe its not... I'm pretty much burnt out...
Read April 28, 2013, 07:40:21 AM #2498

ITG update,

On Thursday, all the actuating brackets were replaced with new, along with more sensor work which involved replacing brand new sensors that were still too sensitive.
Now, the interesting part, Friday night, the player two right arrow was locked on.  Our guy disconnected each sensor one by one, and check this out, it was still stuck on, so NOT a sensor problem there.  He rebooted the machine, and it worked fine. 
I might suggest you guys try reboots when the stage acts up, let's see if that clears it up every time. 

PIU:  Waiting for a quiet day there to bring in the welder for the rape bar.  Adjusted copin switches, hopefully no more quarters getting ate.
Read April 28, 2013, 09:05:18 AM #2499

Waiting for a quiet day there to bring in the welder for the rape bar.

I'm not sure exactly what a 'rape bar' is, but maybe we should hold off on that...

Read April 28, 2013, 10:42:22 AM #2500

Haha, an old term from the early days of DDR, bar raping was very popular.  The rape bar is simply that red bar that some people desire to hang on to and rape while arrow smashing, LOL's
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