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January 27, 2007, 02:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Happy Redneck
Read September 09, 2011, 06:45:02 PM #2126

(some ITG player I don't know with the high score initials NIGG chased after him and stopped him, I am eternally grateful)
Brandon is a cool dude
Read September 10, 2011, 03:14:40 PM #2127

(some ITG player I don't know with the high score initials NIGG chased after him and stopped him, I am eternally grateful)

XD  Hillarious...
Read September 10, 2011, 06:20:36 PM #2128

Still trying to get the new computer into proper condition - fixed a couple things this morning, but there are still a couple issues: the video is a little choppy due to some vsync problems, USB doesn't work, and the machine won't fully boot on its own.

I'll try to be back in tomorrow morning to take care of the choppy video, boot sequence, and hopefully get USB working.

Until the boot sequence is fixed, if the machine does reboot, there is an ITG icon in the top left corner which launches the game.  I didn't think to bring an old mouse with me today - I could have left it plugged into the back of the machine - so you'd need to have your own mouse with you, but you can plug any mouse into one of the front USB ports and double click on the icon.  Sorry for the weird hackish solution, but it should hopefully only be needed until tomorrow morning.
Read September 11, 2011, 05:47:04 AM #2129

Hey Tony,
Thanks for working on this.  Hope all goes well.  We are going to need to give you more gas money.  :-)
Read September 11, 2011, 05:32:11 PM #2130

Found the root cause of the choppy rendering that people have been noticing for the last couple days, so there's a real fix for it now and everything looks very smooth.  It's smoother than the old computer actually, so it'll probably take everyone a song or two to get used to it, since there it absolutely no chopping at all.

Got a rough boot script working, so now the machine does boot into the game.  If the game crashes, it won't reload automatically (still working on a boot script than runs at a proper level to allow things like respawning after a crash), so you'll need to reboot (or plug in a mouse and click the ITG icon, but I don't think anyone's going to have a mouse handy).

Still working on USB, hopefully I'll have it sorted out soon.
Read September 12, 2011, 02:28:47 AM #2131

^  By the way, this guy's my fkin hero. Thanks for all your work fixing the Acme machine Tony!

A few random songs seem to have disappeared or something. I was looking in particular for Run Away and Time to Oil Up in Zim 4 and they weren't in there. Maybe the backup you had wasn't complete or something? In any case was hoping you could double check this pack anyway. Thx! Smiley
Read September 12, 2011, 08:33:49 AM #2132

That's weird, I'll take a look and sort it out next time I'm there.  There should only be a couple missing Zim charts, and they should only be things that were inappropriate.
Read September 12, 2011, 10:17:04 PM #2133

Its been fairly well confirmed that there are actually several songs missing. I heard earlier that Darkness and Light was also missing from the machine (from Illinois I think). Also, Run Away and Time to Oil Up aren't even remotely inappropriate. In fact there are almost no lyrics at all in Time to Oil Up... I dunno how this would happen but something I was hoping you might double check or something. I know you got plenty to work on though so just get to it when you can. Thanks again!
Read September 13, 2011, 12:29:08 AM #2134

Even though USBs are down, the Tachyon Alpha pack, UnderArrest,
& more were playable, so there's practically no need  Kiss

Btw, working on a special stepchart for Gerrak that I'd like to request be added to his PumpinKicks, if deemed worthwhile~
Read September 13, 2011, 11:19:03 AM #2135

na na na na na Tomoe, Tomoe! Something something aiiiiaaaay, aiiiaaaaaay! Something something Tomoe, tomoe, couldn't find her anywhere, anywhere!

I dunno how this song really goes but god damn it's catchy  Grin
Read September 13, 2011, 12:34:28 PM #2136

To be a little more clear: I didn't delete anything that was on the old computer when I moved it all over, and only inappropriate songs had been deleted from the old computer.  Anything currently missing is due to something weird under the surface, because I'm pretty sure the files are actually there and OITG is just ignoring them for some unknown reason.  Next time I'm there, I'll go through and clean up any extraneous files (.sm.old backups, Mac metadata, etc.) that I might have missed and clean the cache, and we'll see if things reappear.  If the files are there and those two steps don't take care of it, then I don't know what will fix it and will have to ask around.
Read September 13, 2011, 02:03:09 PM #2137

I noticed that the Mac metadata can really confuse oITG. After someone gives me a song from their Mac, it usually has a duplicate of the .sm file in the song folder, but it adds a "." prefix to it. Unfortunately, oITG sees a song folder with 2 .sm files and basically doesn't know which to use, so it ignores it.

At least, this has been my experience.
Read September 13, 2011, 02:38:42 PM #2138

na na na na na Tomoe, Tomoe! Something something aiiiiaaaay, aiiiaaaaaay! Something something Tomoe, tomoe, couldn't find her anywhere, anywhere!

I dunno how this song really goes but god damn it's catchy  Grin

Yeah, NO KIDDING.  I have had that album since it dropped a couple of years ago, and that shit STILL gets stuck in my head sometimes.
Read September 13, 2011, 03:29:11 PM #2139

Unfortunately, oITG sees a song folder with 2 .sm files and basically doesn't know which to use, so it ignores it.

ITG definitely hates those metadata files (on people's drives), but OITG tends to be a little smarter when it sees them.  We'd had packs with metadata in them on both the old and new computers for awhile without any noticeable issues, then all of a sudden a bunch of stuff disappeared.  It's better to clean that stuff out than to not, because, if nothing else, OITG has to take the extra time to figure out what files should be ignored each time it boots, but I've definitely seen the game make those decisions just fine.  For example, Keby's pack has Mac metadata and has never been a problem.
Happy Redneck
Read September 14, 2011, 02:33:24 PM #2140

Is DDR Extreme still coming to Acme?
Read September 14, 2011, 04:40:20 PM #2141

My pack has mac metadata 0_o? I never even stepped those in stepmania mac. Well looks like it doesn't matter.

Is extreme coming to ACME in the near future? I would really really really love to play that game again on a good machine.
Read September 14, 2011, 06:08:23 PM #2142

Weird, because the metadata was there.  I don't know exactly when the files are created, but, pretty much as soon as you interact with files in some way under OS X, it's safe to assume those files have been added.  It's especially annoying because the leading . is the UNIX standard for marking a hidden file, so they won't show up by default outside a Windows machine.

Whatever the case may be, It's easy enough to hunt the metadata files down from the command line once it shows up on the machine, it's just annoying to have to go back and fix things rather than get it right from the start.

Anyway, I'll be at Acme in an hour or so to try and restore the missing songs.
Read September 15, 2011, 10:08:42 AM #2143

Thanks for looking into it Tony! I'll check to see if what's missing is returned today Smiley

Tomoe! Tomoe!
2e because I played it like 9 times over the last 2 days

Hey yeah, can we maybe get the Extreme moved here soon Bill? Again, the suggestion was:
Acme's SN2 -> Narrows
Narrows SN1 -> Daffodil
Daffodil Extreme -> Acme

I'm just getting the itch to play So Deep.... And as per lots of personal conversations, peoples' posts, and the forum poll, most people would prefer having Extreme it seems. Would be awesome! Thanks!  Grin

« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 10:10:19 AM by Gerrak »
Read September 15, 2011, 10:31:54 AM #2144

Fixed the missing Zim charts (everything that had been moved to the best of Zim pack was missing, even though I'd merged fresh copies of the Zim packs back in - apparently merging directories works differently between the GUI and the command line in Linux, because that wouldn't have happened on the command line).

Forgot to look into other missing stuff like Mne Uzhe, I'll take another look next time I'm there.
Read September 15, 2011, 10:55:27 AM #2145

Heaven is apparently also missing. I assume it was supposed to be in Customs but couldn't find it there or alphabetically.
Read September 15, 2011, 11:32:37 PM #2146

Hey what time does everybody go to ACME on Thursdays? I just got back. I showed up at 9:50 hoping to see someone because well.....I miss playing with everybody, CRAZY I KNOW RIGHT?!

Tony I applaud all that you've done. Now that I've seen and played the machine it's amazing the amount of that's gone into it. Hats off to you sir.

I saw the usb slot. Sad days. Also omg how do you guys play with the 2p bar? It's just as wobbly as it was back in 2009 again. Is it completely busted now in terms of making it really tight again? That and 1p seems just wee bit worse than the 2p side. Really no difference played some stuff, and had fun! I'll be back sooooooon.
Read September 17, 2011, 10:50:20 AM #2147

Hey what time does everybody go to ACME on Thursdays? I just got back. I showed up at 9:50 hoping to see someone because well.....I miss playing with everybody, CRAZY I KNOW RIGHT?!

Tony I applaud all that you've done. Now that I've seen and played the machine it's amazing the amount of that's gone into it. Hats off to you sir.

I saw the usb slot. Sad days. Also omg how do you guys play with the 2p bar? It's just as wobbly as it was back in 2009 again. Is it completely busted now in terms of making it really tight again? That and 1p seems just wee bit worse than the 2p side. Really no difference played some stuff, and had fun! I'll be back sooooooon.

I had asked one of the Masterman techs about the 2p bar, and he told me that fixing it would require taking apart the pad and re-welding it.
Read September 18, 2011, 02:30:41 PM #2148

SuperNova 2 is in awesome condition, ITG 3 with the new upgrade is super; just needs the usbs back and also the 2nd player sides bar is fixed. I didn't notice the fixture of the bar till my 2nd set lol.
Read September 21, 2011, 09:11:13 AM #2149

Evidently Shades of Blue is missing out of Customs.

Also... USBs... Sad

Thanks for fixing the bars by the way!
Read September 21, 2011, 10:46:59 AM #2150

The Shades of Blue from Customs was marked in multiple places as a Mute chart.  Unless the chart in whatever Mute pack is different (I know it has two difficulties with very close numbers, so I don't remember which is supposedly the one we used to have under Customs), it was a duplicate.
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