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January 27, 2007, 02:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read December 19, 2009, 07:10:17 PM #1376

Ugh, Bill, I feel your pain. Monitor problems suck.

Oh, also! We were there last night, and one of the buttons on pop'n was stuck so far down that we couldn't play it. It was the blue replacement button on the bottom row. Smiley

Happy Redneck
Read December 20, 2009, 04:04:09 AM #1377

Acme looks weird now lol
Read December 20, 2009, 11:13:54 AM #1378

In what way?
Read December 20, 2009, 12:46:35 PM #1379

Thanks for the info, Laura.  that should be corrected right about now as the tech just arrived there.  Please report back if there is still any problem.

Acme got some layout changes, as the Basketball games had to be moved from the back wall.  The offices are right behind that wall, and you can imagine what it sounded like in there when balls were being thrown.
Yeah, looks different.  In your opinions, good different, or bad?
Read December 20, 2009, 04:09:50 PM #1380

Let's see.

ITG3 - check
GFDM V3 - Check
Pop'n - Check
BlazBlue - Check

....yup. Looks fine to me.
Happy Redneck
Read December 20, 2009, 07:44:36 PM #1381

In your opinions, good different, or bad?
When I saw the basketball games I immediately thought "ok those should go near the back they look weird in the middle" but like you said the offices are behind that wall so it wouldn't work out. I don't know what to say about those. I like where Supernova is right now for some reason. ITG would be better there imo but that probably won't happen. Oh and it feels like Rambo is a little too close to ITG, it feels weird to play. And the floors are really sticky from the moving. But I like how Supernova finally got moved. It's been in the same spot ever since it's been there

« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 07:46:25 PM by BlackWarGreymon »
Read December 21, 2009, 01:07:28 PM #1382

Few minor issues last night:

ITG 2p up had some misses on the bottom sensor.
ITG 2p right had some misses somewhere (either down or right, most likely).
DrumMania's snare (yellow) is getting really weak, especially on the lower half of the pad.
Read December 22, 2009, 08:56:32 PM #1383

Bill, I approve of the new layout. I like how the SN and ITG2 machine are separated a bit to avoid noise pollution.
Read December 29, 2009, 06:45:35 PM #1384

Acme update:
The DM and GF are both down with bad boards.  They are pulled in to our shop right now.  Hoping for the best with them, but this breakdown is scary.  Will keep you all informed on progress.

How are the ITG pads right now? 
Happy Redneck
Read December 30, 2009, 03:12:28 AM #1385

When I went there on Saturday the 1P side was a little iffy but the 2P side seems fine since Tuan was able to get 99.70 on Johanna lol. Oh and has the Supernova screen been fixed yet? The screen was stretched vertically when I saw it. I couldn't even see the difficulty during a song, not that I needed to, just saying.
Read December 31, 2009, 11:59:18 AM #1386

The screen on supernova is stretched too far off screen. You can't see the scores while playing a song and, more importantly, you can't see how many credits have been deposited into the machine.
Happy Redneck
Read December 31, 2009, 12:06:11 PM #1387

You can tell when you have $.75 because the buttons will flash at that amount
Read December 31, 2009, 12:43:05 PM #1388

But how many non-hardcore players will know that? (not many)
Happy Redneck
Read December 31, 2009, 12:57:16 PM #1389

Good point
Read December 31, 2009, 01:32:11 PM #1390

An addendum, Jon: TGM is at Narrows now. Smiley
Read December 31, 2009, 04:58:22 PM #1391

I would also like to mention that on ITG3, DOTA on doubles is either A) a terrible chart or B) ridiculously off-sync. Kevin, when you get the chance you should investigate this.
Read December 31, 2009, 07:13:54 PM #1392

I believe that DOTA is just a terrible chart.  The single expert chart seems to have the same sync and rhythms as the double expert chart, and while the sync seems to be a little off, the greater problem is that the chart rhythms seem to be detached from the actual rhythms (beyond using 12th notes, that is).  Also, at least on double (though the single chart seemed even less fun), the patterns don't make too much sense.
Read December 31, 2009, 08:38:15 PM #1393

Yes, SN is having issues.  The monitor died, so it recieved a brand new chassis.  Anyhow, the new chassis does not want to adjust to the proper screen size.  But no worries, it should be all fixed up sometime early next week. 
Read January 02, 2010, 02:03:41 PM #1394

I like the DOTA chart on singles, but doubles was just incomprehensible.
Read January 03, 2010, 09:39:35 AM #1395

I'll check into DOTA along with some other stuff when I get down to Acme next week. Expect some cool new features imminently along with an additional song pack. Bill might be interested in a couple of these features too, actually...
Read January 09, 2010, 02:19:39 PM #1396

Does anyone know how many songs can be put on your flash drive without being unable to see all of your songs on the ITG2 machine with the new skin? Ex: My friend has 30 or so songs on his flash drive that used to show with the old skin and now it only shows a certain amount. (Didn't really count how many songs showed up, sorry for being lazy.)

I am just asking now because I am adding songs to my flash drive and I am unsure what the limit is.
Read January 11, 2010, 12:57:56 PM #1397

The limit is theoretically 50 songs per drive, but the machine gets cranky sometimes.  For starters, there's an issue wherein the machine caches info about everyone's drive, but doesn't clear the cache without a reboot, so USB runs slower and slower over time - this also seems to have an effect on the consistency of the machine to load your whole song list in my experience, but I don't have prove, so correlation, causation, etc.

I've noticed the USB features being much more error prone since the skin was applied (though much of that was shown to be hardware related, and it's been much better since the new drives were installed), so it would make sense that you're running into issues with it as well.

I managed to find a 1GB drive laying around on my desk and will do some testing with it, since my normal drive hasn't worked... well, since I bought it (identical replacement to my old one which worked with very few errors for like 1.5 years).
Read January 11, 2010, 05:30:41 PM #1398

I've been messing with this periodically and so far I have been unable to find any reliable reason why the machine won't load certain songs. For instance I have significantly decreased the number of songs on my card (down to maybe 20 or so right now), but it still won't read certain ones. And some of these said certain ones I see on other peoples' cards as working just fine. I think it may just be that for some reason some USB drives work better/differently than others.

forgot to mention that on the ITG3 machine when scrolling through ITG3 rebirth and OG(i think) there seems to be a lag of somesort when scrolling through the songs
This is only for OG and again I'm not exactly sure why.

Regarding DOTA, this and some other songs (and I really should get off my lazy ass and start populating a list) are indeed most likely off-sync. Generally if you see a 9 or 10 that isnt at least a 97/98 or so as the high score its probably off-sync since I've played them all and been working on my scores (i.e. bar rape the shit out of them), with the exception of Heel and Toe which is just a BS chart anyway. Usually I hunt down other peoples' scores if theyre below a 98 anyway, but I'll try to take a look and get more specifics. I know also the song 30 Minutes Harder on OG I think has its BPM slightly off. The 12 Sail Away is also off-sync on OG, all I can remember off the top of my head. Thanks for working on fixing these Kevin  Smiley  If you need any help syncing or whatever I'd be happy to lend a hand; again, I'll try to start making note of off-sync ones.
Read January 11, 2010, 06:09:28 PM #1399

ITG Rebirth is where it lags while scrolling/has all the songs off sync
The ITG3 OG song pack is fine. I've played all but 4 of the songs, and from what I can tell it isn't off sync.
Read January 11, 2010, 07:49:52 PM #1400

It's funny, the ITG Rebirth I re-uploaded the day before Dance Dance Party Party was supposed to have fixed syncing. I'll check into that. Just so you guys don't think I'm ignoring you, I literally haven't been to Acme in about 2 months. I flat out don't have a single day free on the weekends anymore. That being said, this is a long weekend for me so we'll see about that. I have another gig of RAM to stick in the machine, and I just need Amber to coordinate a time to swing by so I can get the machine opened up.
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