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The Dreams Thread
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March 04, 2007, 11:07:24 PM
In this thread, post weird/interesting dreams you've had. I'll start with the one I hinted at in the Karaoke thread, that I had a few days before the actual meet:
As I said before, I ended up oversleeping for the Karaoke meet, and ended up not making it on time. So, I went to a convenience store nearby, which for some reason had a laptop I could use, and went onto Mapquest and got directions. All of a sudden, I walked out of the building, and as soon as I exited, I was in Japan... Unfortunately the dream ended just a few minutes later.
The scary thing is, I did almost end up not making it to the karaoke meet, and did show up about 10 minutes late due to my crappy driving skills.
March 04, 2007, 11:09:07 PM
Maybe I'll post in the morning, I can't remember enough of my dream last night to post, but it had something to do with starting to work for google.
March 04, 2007, 11:17:24 PM
i have a dream catcher and it seems to work a bit too well :/
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
March 05, 2007, 12:55:51 AM
I'll post about my dream where I raped someone in Morrowind tomorrow. It's too late to describe it fully right now.
Richmond, B.C
March 05, 2007, 01:46:49 AM
I must be dreaming because it's almost 2 a.m and i'm still working on this research essay which is due in 6 hours and I can't figure out how to write my conclusion. someone help me!! /wrists
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
March 05, 2007, 11:11:29 PM
Sorry I wasn't on to help you out; maybe next time.
By the way, my creepy Morrowind Rape dream, as promised:
So, I was raiding this tomb, looking for fancy magical items, and this assassin pops out and attacks me with a little knife. I'm initially startled, and hit the assassin with my Iron Boltsword. I see the assassin's health bar go down to about half, and so I calm down a little, and take the time to look at my assailant. Well, it didn't take more than a second of looking. It was a 5'4" female with a perfect body, a cute face, and unbelievably good graphics. I should have noticed at this point that I was probably not playing Morrowind anymore, but I guess I didn't realise that until I started groping her breasts (although I'm sure there's a mod out there for groping breasts). Then, well, I, um, raped her. It was a friggin' WEIRD dream. I always feel like something's missing when I play Morrowind now.
I was initially way more freaked out about it than I am now; it's been, like, 4 months.
Bothell, WA
March 05, 2007, 11:19:31 PM
everyone knows it's not about the graphics... it's allllll about the gameplay
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
March 05, 2007, 11:30:26 PM
Quote from: "uhhh"
everyone knows it's not about the graphics... it's allllll about the gameplay
That's not what's missing. ;P
March 05, 2007, 11:55:17 PM
Did you have any protection put on that 'ole Iron Boltsword?
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
March 05, 2007, 11:58:03 PM
Quote from: "BLueSS"
Did you have any protection put on that 'ole Iron Boltsword?
I didn't even catch that. I did have a few Indoril Wargloves on me though; and those have 72 AC, so I'd say there was sufficient protection.
March 06, 2007, 07:48:07 AM
Okay, I just woke up and can't get back to sleep now.
I dreamt that it was April, and it was
still freaking snowing
here in the state with the nation's greatest weather (Though I wouldn't be *that* surprised if it really did happen). I understandably just got fed up, and this was the last straw for WA's mega-shitty weather, and I looked into transferring to another university. Of course, I picked one in Hawaii. So I flew out there, and all of a sudden I was driving into a parking lot of a university that I couldn't see the name of. There were empty spots, and I knew they were reserved for some reason, but I parked in one anyway, and just a few seconds later, some people came out... They originally looked like they were going to bust me, but then I told them I was not a student here, and introduced myself, all in Japanese, with my true-to-life skill level. I left the parking lot, did not end up exploring the university, and then just wandered off.
I'm starting to wonder why only recently I've been speaking actual Japanese in my dreams, and I never speak fake Japanese anymore. Until the end of last year, I'd always been speaking "fluent".
EDIT: I love the power that dreams have over me... I actually did look into transferring somewhere else this morning. Not that I haven't been wanting to live somewhere else for quite a while now. Still, I'd miss you guys...
Richmond, B.C
March 06, 2007, 09:43:44 AM
I never remember dreams except for super-nightmares. Seriously, I've never had a sexy dream ever. This sucks.
March 06, 2007, 12:02:38 PM
rofl sexy dreams XD
i do remember having a dream about megaman once... needless to say, it was pretty kick ass
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
March 06, 2007, 08:32:29 PM
Quote from: "checkrox"
I never remember dreams except for super-nightmares. Seriously, I've never had a sexy dream ever. This sucks.
Mine was sexy at the time (I got my kicks), but when I woke up and thought about it for a couple seconds, it was pretty creepy. Now, I have mixed feelings about it.
I was having a cool dream just a while ago, but I forgot it. =(
I think I was finishing up my StepMania machine, then I woke up.
March 08, 2007, 10:19:30 AM
Okay, this one's a bit more freaky.
Again, set in the near-future, I was coming back from Japan (It started right with the airport... and in the US side even.
) I was looking for my family, but they were nowhere to be found... In fact, the airport was completely empty except for a few staff. I then entered this room, which had two flights of stairs on the right side. I walked up the first set, and then some guy at the top wanted to mug me or something. So then, the guy leaps from the top, and then I estimated his trajectory, moved a little from where he would land, and bashed him over the head with a nearby oil drum. Since he was unconcious anyway, I hit him a few times and then ran the hell away.
Back to the freaky part. Again, there was no one else at the airport. So I went to my aunt's house. I found out that my aunt was dead... but more freakishly, no one there knew who I was. Not even my own nuclear family. It gets even worse... there was a whole pile of papers that had the exact date on them that everyone would die.
I woke up from this one sweating and with my heart beating out of my chest...
March 08, 2007, 12:12:51 PM
4 8 15 16 23 42? oh, wrong story. :lol:
Quote from: "tada"
So then, the guy leaps from the top, and then I estimated his trajectory, moved a little from where he would land, and bashed him over the head with a nearby oil drum. Since he was unconcious anyway, I hit him a few times and then ran the hell away.
Haha, an oil drum? Way to hit him when he's on the ground too.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
March 08, 2007, 04:39:25 PM
I think tada has me beat. =(
March 21, 2007, 08:33:31 AM
My dream slipped me a nice reminder:
I was at SC '07, and was at the Bemani setup, where Jerrad, Tony, and Laura were. Then I told Cynic "I better go get my badge now." However, I'd forgotten the receipt from my registration... of course I freaked out.
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