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January 22, 2009, 01:17:42 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

SUCKS. i've been playing ddr X for ps2. i just gotta say it epically fails. the songs are alot of hip hop crap. and omg the anouncer is ridiculous. he says crap like "this song is wikkiwikki wack yo" "pick a song holmes" "theese beats are dun diggity" and "combo wombo" its just ridiculous. are they trying to get rappers to play or what? i'm just so pissed, i had to rant about it.
Read January 22, 2009, 07:51:35 AM #1

I like the music. The new ratings system and of course the interface are both horrible though.

And apparently the arcade version has horrible visual lag.

Read January 22, 2009, 11:19:41 AM #2

what would have rounded out the gangsta feel is Aaron's Party
Read January 22, 2009, 10:47:04 PM #3

epically fails.

stopped reading at this point
Read January 22, 2009, 11:03:54 PM #4

The Wise Fool
Read February 11, 2009, 08:49:43 PM #5

stopped reading at this point
Read February 17, 2009, 05:21:11 AM #6

And apparently the arcade version has horrible visual lag.

Really? It doesn't from what I can tell.

The new difficulty rating system is crazy, but it makes sense with all the post-Extreme 10s... you can't really put Sakura, PSMO and all the insane newer charts under the same number.

New Dub-I-Dub and Get Up and Move, yesssssss Cheesy
Read February 17, 2009, 08:56:10 PM #7

Wait, so DDRX is going to be in the arcades?  Didn't SuperNova2 just come out or something?  That's just crazy...  Either way.  I guess I'll stick with ITG2 until Konami quits releasing new mixes every 6 months...
Read February 17, 2009, 11:10:10 PM #8

People have been playing SN2 in Japan for a while now. We won't be seeing X stateside for maybe six months, so... I guess they're basically putting out one new release every 2ish years.

And oh man Phylicia I'm so glad there's no visual lag. That was gonna piss me off lol.
Read February 18, 2009, 09:19:42 AM #9

Wait, so DDRX is going to be in the arcades?  Didn't SuperNova2 just come out or something?  That's just crazy...  Either way.  I guess I'll stick with ITG2 until Konami quits releasing new mixes every 6 months...
DDR X AC is out.. in Japan.  SN2 AC has been out for over a year.. in Japan.  In the US I think it's been out for a little under a year
Read February 18, 2009, 09:20:28 PM #10

It's just too many mixes...  I remember the same issues with 3rd (15 versions) then 4th (3 or 4 versions), 5th, Max--all coming out pretty damn close together...  It's just frustrating.  I'd like to see fewer mixes and a greater focus on gameplay rather than remixes of the same 8 songs and max/paranoia xyz naoki edit ultra over 9000...
Either way, I'll play it if it's around--until then; I find myself getting back into the joy that is ITG2...
So was SN2 a flop or something?  I haven't even played it except for the US PS2 game...
Read February 19, 2009, 01:06:24 AM #11

SN2 introduced a handful of ideas that could have worked, but the totally broken scoring system, lack of any publicity whatsoever, stupidly expensive cabinet cost, ridiculously high maintenance requirements, horrific controller inconsistencies, and shitty layout pretty much made it worthless.  SuperNOVA at least had a functional scoring system and the unlock system wasn't based on an overpriced corporate exchange nonexistent in the game's primary market.

I'm not even buying DDR X.  I have two reasons:
Read February 19, 2009, 01:20:37 AM #12

I'd like to see fewer mixes and a greater focus on gameplay

I couldn't agree more. But Konami hasn't put an emphasis on gameplay quality (at least for DDR arcade mixes) for a really long time now. At least X has the option of putting on darkened backgrounds (to block out most of those distracting background videos) and of course x2.5. Not to mention COMBO WOMBO
Read February 19, 2009, 09:17:17 AM #13

Changing gameplay in a bemani game?!  ..too many versions in too short a time?!
Let me go look at Beatmania IIDX 16 and Pop'n Music 17.  Yup, they're still the same as they've ever been

Too many versions in too short a time for DDR was back when they were releasing multiple arcade versions within the same year. I seriously think that was a prime contributor to the pre-Max DDR burnout in Japan

I want to play DDRX 'cause the cab is f'in' sweet and NOT made by Betson. My biggest complaints I have about the game is they pulled You're Not Here, Infinite Prayer is still not in the arcade, and still none of those sweet original songs from DDR Ultramix 2
Read February 19, 2009, 04:25:12 PM #14

Combo wombo?  WTF is that?
Read February 19, 2009, 06:08:49 PM #15

Changing gameplay in a bemani game?!  ..too many versions in too short a time?!
Let me go look at Beatmania IIDX 16 and Pop'n Music 17.  Yup, they're still the same as they've ever been.

Wow that argument is great because both of those games are really great games that don't need things changed about them or updates, that's how great they are

And DDR, man, there's a game that doesn't need any gameplay changes at all and has not been boring since Extreme

COMBO WOMBO is something the announcer in X says.
Read February 19, 2009, 07:38:41 PM #16

I don't know what's with all the people completely refusing to have hands in DDR just because they were in ITG.  I seriously think having hands and stuff in DDR would make it... less boring.
Read February 19, 2009, 11:05:05 PM #17

Exactly. And well, X has edit data capability now, AND they allow edits with hands, so that's nice at least.
Read February 19, 2009, 11:07:33 PM #18

im not sure if i want to break my wrists tryinig to do hands on ddr
Read February 20, 2009, 12:32:56 AM #19

Read February 20, 2009, 01:42:54 AM #20

having to hit the pad so hard with your hand for it to register that it breaks your wrist.

refering to crappy didder pads
oh wait, thts all of them
Read February 20, 2009, 01:50:05 AM #21

Oh wait, the new X cabinets are made so you don't have to press as hard to register.  Lips sealed

I could hit arrows with my hands on Betson cabinets too.
Read February 20, 2009, 02:40:59 AM #22

ive never played on a didder cab that liked me Sad stupid crappy pads
Read February 21, 2009, 10:57:53 PM #23

Interestingly enough, DDR cabinets use slightly more sensitive tapeswitches than ITG2 does.  It's just a matter of maintenance.

Not that having working pads would make me want to play DDR X, I'll stick with my pad-misses on Extreme, SuperNOVA, and ITG2.
Read February 22, 2009, 12:09:58 AM #24

Uhh Charlie I think X is going to be just as good an arcade mix as SN, hopefully better. SN is trash haha
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