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Marysville, Wa
March 13, 2007, 09:35:20 AM
the other day on Gizmodo, would probably work just as well for Pump for ~$400. How much are standard hard pads going for nowadays anyways?
March 13, 2007, 02:45:20 PM
wow. That not only is awesome that they did that, but it looks cooler than actuial konami ones. i want one. An i imagine doing a Pump/DDR version would be nice. It be kinda weird with ine buttons on the pad, but hey, it'd work.
custom title
Hilo, Hawaii
March 13, 2007, 07:06:26 PM
it would be nice to have a good home pump pad. even better to have a good home pump game to actually use it on.
March 13, 2007, 09:14:12 PM
i wonder if Pump US shits on PiU as much as BMUS shits on BM and IIDX. I'll have to try it. hopefuly i can get a decent pad. Altho we might see mre us home versions with PiUP. hehe PiUP = ^
(In case that doesn;t show up it's the Pi symbol)
custom title
Hilo, Hawaii
March 13, 2007, 09:51:13 PM
The US home version is the same as the Korean but with the US exclusive songs (name of the game, a little less conversation, walkie talkie man, rapper's delight). The engine is identical to Exceed's, with the same scoring system. It's actually really good. Nothing like BMUS, hahaha.
March 13, 2007, 09:55:03 PM
k. good to know the Koreans dont suck like the japanese. honestly, BMUS made me want to throw my BMcontroller thorugh a window, and then bring it back inside, and then take a shit on it. that's how bad the game sucked.
Marysville, Wa
March 13, 2007, 10:01:46 PM
I thought you said you only had BMUS? What are you comparing this to? If you're comparing US vs. 8th (at ACME)- it's actually not that bad of a mix. It gets a bad rap from players that know the nuances, but for someone who doesn't even play the [a]'s yet, I fail to see how it's so bad.
March 14, 2007, 12:22:05 PM
i've seen other versions in action. they pwn BMUS in the soul.
March 14, 2007, 12:43:45 PM
This is the same shit people say about subbed anime etc. OMG ASIAN BETTA THAN EGNKISH. Get your head out of your ass. We want real reasons why the game is bad. It's like how the average idiot on the net squaks about timing windows on DDR but doesn't even have a single AAAA. They don't know how hard it is, and until they know, their opinion really holds no real weight. I also dislike how people are xenophobic towards KOJ. They think they "americanize" ports for no reason. Play some of Konami's games that weren't released here / pulled from arcades / limited release in America. Maybe there are reasons for the fixes / limited exposure? There isn't a market for many games they make. There is barely a market justifying BM, and it was a commercial failure in the US. They tried to broaden their market by making BM more accessible so they might bring more BM games to the U.S. If you really care about getting better games, then do something about it and speak with your money. I can see why zeppy didn't like your posts :/
March 14, 2007, 01:29:49 PM
Well i have my opinions, and i personally think that BMUS was a disgrace to IIDX in general. It had a few good songs, but I don't see konami trying to bring in non-rythm game players with that game, so why at least give us Bemani fans something better. for one thing, better songs. And I'm not the only one with this opinion. just read my sig. check out other forums. And i do care about getting better games, which is why i am modding my ps2 so i cna get some good JP versions. And i don't get how you get mad at people who complain at thing they think are bad and should be changed (timing windows in DDR) yet you're here telling me to speak up about things i don;t like (getting better games) make up your mind. And i don't care what Zeppy thinks. Was he not banned for being an asshole?
March 14, 2007, 02:23:59 PM
Quote from: "Diggit_6"
Well i have my opinions, and i personally think that BMUS was a disgrace to IIDX in general. It had a few good songs, but I don't see konami trying to bring in non-rythm game players with that game, so why at least give us Bemani fans something better. for one thing, better songs. And I'm not the only one with this opinion. just read my sig. check out other forums.
You are reiterating your ignorance. Take a closer look at how they marketed BMUS, it was certainly aimed towards the mainstream. And if you want something better, move with your money. (more on this later) And you obviously don't know that many people, because I know a few people who don't know bemani and bought it.
And i do care about getting better games, which is why i am modding my ps2 so i cna get some good JP versions.
I'm reffering to a better selection for our immediate region. Your solution doesn't tell Konami that our immediate market is interested in home IIDX. So do you think your solution is going to help people get into bemani? no.
And i don't get how you get mad at people who complain at thing they think are bad and should be changed (timing windows in DDR) yet you're here telling me to speak up about things i don;t like (getting better games) make up your mind.
don't give me that bullshit. You need to speak with your money. People need to buy BMUS (too late for this actually) and email the shit outta konami. It might work might not. Konami doesn't read these boards. They can't hear you. Make your voice heard. ITG made a case for new DDR. Think of how you can really get them to respond to us, and then whine. You don't hear me whining about konami killing KBM.
Also, Formulate your arguments more coherently and maybe I'll have an argument for the other parts of your post. Learn how the business world works and maybe I'll think about considering "thoughts" from you in the future.
And i don't care what Zeppy thinks. Was he not banned for being an asshole?
why do you talk to him then?
***2nd edit*** Removed Rant.
In the end, you miss my points completely, and your lack of thought into the concepts I bring to this discussion disgust me. I know you can cock suck BLueSS by playing the jesus card, so I know I'll get banned. Whatever. No use being here anymore. This site isn't even fun to joke around on, proven in a recent thread. Isn't that what you guys wanted? A light hearted forum? Guess you guys can't make up your mind about anything. Have fun.
March 14, 2007, 02:45:56 PM
wow... don't know really wat to say to that. go ahead and leave if you want. i really don;t care, but you don;t have to insult my faith and my beliefs in the process. maybe you deserve to be banned.
Anyways... Anyone else dying to build one of these thing? I just might try it, should i get the money, time, equippement, and muscles to do so.
March 14, 2007, 02:49:50 PM
Quote from: "Diggit_6"
wow... don't know really wat to say to that. go ahead and leave if you want. i really don;t care, but you don;t have to insult my faith and my beliefs in the process. maybe you deserve to be banned.
Not insulting your faith. You use your faith to push your own forum agenda. And undoubtedly I'll be banned, which I'm curious as to why you think I wouldn't.
March 14, 2007, 02:51:30 PM
Quote from: "Iori240"
Quote from: "Diggit_6"
wow... don't know really wat to say to that. go ahead and leave if you want. i really don;t care, but you don;t have to insult my faith and my beliefs in the process. maybe you deserve to be banned.
You use your faith to push your own forum agenda.
okay um... WHAT? first of all, when have I used my faith to push my own agenda, and secondly, what do you think my agenda is? I don't have one.
Quote from: "Iori240"
Not insulting your faith..
Quote from: "Iori240"
I know you can cock suck BLueSS by playing the jesus card, so I know I'll get banned.
EDIT: anyways, this topic is getting way out of hand. let's try to get some on topic discussion in here with all of this hateful bashing of each others opinions.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
March 15, 2007, 12:06:28 AM
I'm sick and tired of seeing those artless junk pads. Not so much because they're bad. They're actually decent, but not 10/10 decent. I'm really annoyed by how cool people think these are. Even the lighting's boring.
Quote from: "Davyn"
it would be nice to have a good home pump pad. even better to have a good home pump game to actually use it on.
I make 'em.
DDRFreak Thread
Site (not set up yet)
5-panel isn't a problem for me. Let me know if you want one of any of those or have any questions.
Marysville, Wa
March 15, 2007, 08:18:34 AM
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
I'm sick and tired of seeing those artless junk pads. Not so much because they're bad. They're actually decent, but not 10/10 decent. I'm really annoyed by how cool people think these are. Even the lighting's boring.
Quote from: "Davyn"
it would be nice to have a good home pump pad. even better to have a good home pump game to actually use it on.
I make 'em.
DDRFreak Thread
Site (not set up yet)
5-panel isn't a problem for me. Let me know if you want one of any of those or have any questions.
Do you really make them? All I see are a couple of pictures of a wooden base. Do you have a finished product you can show?
Artless junk pads? Haha, what?
You appear to be bashing this simply because you make them as well. Tell me why yours are any better.
March 15, 2007, 08:33:48 AM
Ja, you should start making full decks with bars and mak'em big like actual AC pads. I've been dying for an acurrate arcade pad as opposed to my TX4000
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
March 15, 2007, 10:06:46 PM
I haven't got a finished one to show yet. =(
I'm taking my time and learning as much as I can while building my prototype so that I can make every one that follows it faster and better.
That said, I should have pics and vids of it by Saturday.
I'm not bashing it because I make them as well either. I'm just really annoyed by the fact that people look at those pads as 10/10 pads when there are superior pads available on the market. 10/10 should be the hypothetical perfect. The BlueShark (best pad currently on the market) would get a 7.5/10 on my scale, before factoring in MMB's horrible customer service.
Seriously, those ARE cool pads, but not worth the hype.
Marysville, Wa
March 15, 2007, 10:16:08 PM
Who said they were 10/10? Sounds like you're just arbitrarily assigning numbers without any basis at all. Why is the "best pad on the market" getting a 75% rating from you? What are you basing this on?
March 15, 2007, 10:44:43 PM
He's basing it on what he considers to be a "perfect pad." And apparently that doesn't exist yet, now will it ever.
March 15, 2007, 10:46:33 PM
So a better rating would be comparing the other pads to a new arcade pad, no?
Marysville, Wa
March 15, 2007, 10:57:46 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"
He's basing it on what he considers to be a "perfect pad." And apparently that doesn't exist yet, now will it ever.
Yes, I can infer from text that's what he means. What I'm asking is: "What makes the best pad on the market 2/3 perfect?" What improvements make up the other 25%? It's 75% arcade perfect? 56% of all statistics are made up on the spot, you know.
edit: Sorry, BlueSS is correct. Actually, 73% of all statistics are made up on the post.
March 15, 2007, 11:10:02 PM
Quote from: "metroid23"
56% of all statistics are made up on the spot, you know.
No, it was 73%! :roll:
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
March 15, 2007, 11:10:54 PM
An ITG2 Dedicab's pads would get a 9.5/10 on my scale.
The best homebrew I've ever seen would get about a 9.0/10.
My DT500's, if they come out
as designed, would probably be about 9/10 pads.
The site and a lot of the people who've seen those and acted like they were the neatest thing since sliced bread. (that's where the 10/10 is coming from)
Also, the reason BlueSharks' rating is so 'low' is because they aren't consistent. Same with CF's, which I'd give a 7/10.
Also, it's not a percentage scale. It's based on 1/10 = the worst usable pad (AfterBurner) and 10/10 = the best imaginable pad.
Marysville, Wa
March 15, 2007, 11:14:56 PM
Well, I just came across the link online- if people had already seen them, then so be it. ::shrug:: looked neat. I've never played on them, and I don't think you have either from the sound of it. Those two things lead me to believe that you're just bashing it for the sake of bashing. Please, tell me I'm wrong. That would earn you a lot of credibility.
And, well, 7.5/10 is 75% of the total possible value- like it or not that's a precentage scale. Essentially, you've given it a solid text-book C.
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